Why are our HB sized P90s so good?
There are a lot of humbucker sized P90s on the market, some good and some not so good. Our HB90 series, the Mighty Ninety and it's sister pickups, have gained an impressive reputation as being among the very few HB sized P90s that actually sound exactly like a full size P90. This is because under the skin they are a full sized P90.
They are wound with the same number of wire turns and the same gauge as a full size 'soapbar' or 'dog ear' P90, on custom bobbins that we laser cut in house. What you see around the pole screws in the above image is the actual bobbin top, it takes up the full area under the cover.
Some makers use undersize commercially available plastic bobbins, or even one humbucker bobbin hidden away inside, this leads to them using finer than normal wire to fit enough on. The tone of pickups made with undersize bobbins are never right.
Lastly most classic dog ear or soapbar P90s have plastic covers ... plastic is totally transparent to the magnetic field, while the all enclosing nickel covers most HB sized P90 makers use ... are not. These nickel covers filter out the high end sparkle and can make the pickup sound dull and overly bassy.
As standard our HB sized P90s are available with completely open tops and simply nickel rings to protect the windings and make them look pretty!
Yes you can have full nickel covers if you absolutely must but try topless it's way better!